
Last week, at the dinner honoring the graduating plastic surgery residents at the University of Louisville, I was honored with an award as having the outstanding lecture series in Cosmetic Surgery. As an actively involved Assistant Professor of Plastic Surgery at U of L, I regularly give the residents and faculty a lecture about the various topics that encompass aesthetic plastic surgery. I still very much enjoy teaching and find it challenging to continually update the cosmetic surgery realm. I also teach other plastic surgeons my unique methods that I have developed. Recently, we have had physicians from Minnesota and Texas in the office to learn about the Liteshape™ technique of liposculpture. It is a great feeling to see physicians at our national meetings, years after they have finished their training, come up and say, “Thank you again for all that you did to help me become a better plastic surgeon.” My deal with them is: I will show you all that I know, move far from Louisville and take me to dinner when the meeting is in your town. I’ve had a few good meals to date.

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