Why We Do It

The enclosed letter I received the other day is reminder to me and my staff about how important our relationships that we build we our patients are. We fully understand that patients have many choices in providers of cosmetic services and we try to not only do it better, but also do it with passion, caring and compassion for our patients.

Today, its not enough to just have the latest and greatest technology or be able to deliver cutting edge procedures, we also have to deliver Ritz Carlton level of service. I have always felt that our practice, having been devoted to 100% cosmetic services for well over 15 years, had a distinct advantage over practices that did not specialize in cosmetic surgery. The relationship of the cosmetic patient and the plastic surgeon just seems different to me than for insurance based physicians.

We can take the time to make sure every patient has a clear understanding of the choices, risks, and benefits of everything we do from lasers, injectables to surgical procedures. It’s the thank you cards like this one that serve as  reminders of our success in that endeavor and that’s what makes it all worthwhile and it’s why we do it every day.


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