Correcting the Signs of Aging
Historically, society has had a much different view of male aging than the aging process of women. The signs of aging on a man’s face have been judged much less harshly than those that affect their female counterparts. However, men themselves are beginning to worry that those worry lines look much more tired than they do wise. Men of a certain age are also feeling the pressure of maintaining their edge in an ever-changing sea of professional competition. Cosmetic treatments are an excellent solution for many men.
Some of the common treatments that help men restore a youthful edge to their face include:
- This injectable wipes away permanent frown lines and forehead lines.
- Dermal fillers. In a brief treatment, dermal fillers can restore sharpness to the jawline.
- Kybella injections gradually and naturally destroy fat cells that cause a double chin.
- Neck liposuction and lift quickly and dramatically refresh the lower face.
- Blepharoplasty restores a friendliness and alert appearance to the eyes.
Addressing Age-Related Body Changes
It isn’t only the face that draws in the eye. Many men visit our practice in search of better solutions to body concerns. Diet and exercise can’t always make up for the hormone shifts that lead to unwanted weight gain and muscle atrophy. Dr. Salzman and our staff provide surgical and nonsurgical solutions that men can appreciate. These include:
- Male breast reduction. In recent years, thousands of men have obtained treatment to eliminate excess breast tissue. This process may include liposuction to sculpt the chest and, in some cases, the removal of the breast gland that is causing enlargement.
- Men can up their workout game with EMSCULPT sessions that stimulate deep muscle contractions to the tune of 20,000 squats or crunches.
- Stubborn fat can be removed from any part of the body using the latest, safest liposuction techniques.
- Tattoo removal. Old tattoos or those that just don’t suit a man’s current status can be removed in a series of laser treatments.
There is no reason to live with cosmetic concerns that distract you from other aspects of life. Get the help you deserve with an experienced team of professionals. Call our Louisville office at 502-425-5200 to schedule your consultation.