What You Need To Know About Silent Rupture In Silicone Breast Implants

If you are planning a breast augmentation, you have likely seen the term “silent rupture”. All breast implant has the possibility of rupturing, however a silent rupture only happens to silicone breast implants. But what does “silent rupture” mean, and should you be worried about it? Read our guide below to find out more about silent rupture before you visit Dr. Salzman for a breast augmentation consultation.

Silent Rupture Explained

When a hole forms in the outer shell of a breast implant it is referred to as a rupture. Silicone gel breast implants are unique in that the silicone inside tends to stay close to the shell rather than flowing out like the saline inside saline and structured implants. According to the FDA, “a silent rupture doesn’t change the way an implant looks or feels, and your health care provider may not be able to detect a silent rupture by a physical examination alone.” Thus, if you have a silent rupture, you will not know without more extensive testing. 

How To Detect A Silent Rupture In Silicone Implants

Even though a silent rupture doesn’t cause physical symptoms the FDA still recommends removal if they rupture. The most effective method for detecting silent rupture is by MRI. However, MRI scans are expensive and time consuming. Recently, High Resolution Ultrasound (HRUS) has been used to monitor breast implants, providing a simpler option for women. Dr. Salzman is one of the exclusive surgeons in the nation to offer HRUS for monitoring silicone gel breast implants. According to Dr. Salzman, “with ultrasound the positive predictive value is as close to 100% as you can get.”

What You Need To Know About Ruptured Breast Implants

Should you be concerned about silent rupture? With new monitoring techniques, it is easier than ever to check the status of your breast implants. The FDA does not yet have recommendations for HRUS, however they do recommend periodic MRI scans for silent rupture detection. Women with silicone breast implants should get MRI scans three years after a primary breast augmentation, then every two years for the life of the implants. Saline and structured breast implants do not require additional monitoring because rupture detection is as simple as looking in a mirror. 

If you are considering a breast augmentation, schedule a consultation at Salzman Cosmetic Surgery and Spa. Dr. Salzman offers a wide variety of breast implant options including the latest implant technology, the IDEAL IMPLANT® Structured Breast Implant. Call 502-425-5200 today to get started.

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