Which Type of Liposuction is Right for Me?

As plastic surgery has become more commonplace over the years, we have seen a rapid advancement in various procedures. According to annual statistics in plastic surgery, liposuction is one of the most popular procedures available. In general, liposuction is a method of removing stubborn fat cells from one or more areas of the body. More specifically, though, there are a few different liposuction techniques that can be utilized to accomplish this goal. Here, we discuss what those are.

Tumescent, Power-Assisted Liposuction

Tumescent liposuction involves the insertion of a diluted solution of adrenaline and local anesthetic into the surgical area. This solution is administered through tiny incisions and works within a few minutes to numb the nerve endings between the skin and the layer of fatty tissue beneath. Tumescent fluid also expands tissue, making it easier to remove fat cells. All liposuction procedures involve the use of tumescent fluid. This is what anesthetizes the area and constricts blood vessels to reduce bleeding.

Dr. Salzman uses a power-assisted tube that drives the motion of the fat-removing cannula, eliminating the back-and-forth motions that have commonly been used in the past. This type of liposuction is often performed on the thighs, hips, flanks, and abdomen.

Laser-Assisted Liposuction

Laser-assisted liposuction is used for small to moderately-sized areas of localized fat deposits. Common areas include the legs, back, abdomen, arms, and neck. After numbing the treatment area with tumescent fluid, Dr. Salzman inserts a small laser probe into the layer of fat beneath the skin. The laser heats fatty tissue, disrupting cells for a smooth removal process. A syringe is used to extract softened fat cells. The laser is then reinserted and delivers a different wavelength of energy to tighten the skin.

Ultrasound-Assisted Liposuction (VASER)

Like laser-assisted liposuction, VASER liposuction breaks up fatty tissue to make the extraction process gentler and more efficient. One of the reasons VASER liposuction may be selected over laser-assisted liposuction is that ultrasound energy does not destroy fat cells. The cells remain viable, so they can be used for fat transfer to another part of the body.

High-Definition Liposuction

High-definition liposuction is a specialized technique that is performed by surgeons with a great deal of experience conducting liposuction procedures. The intention of high-definition liposuction is to carve out muscular definition in the torso through the superficial aspiration of fatty tissue. To accentuate the sculpted abdomen, the appearance of the abdominal muscles may be augmented with fat grafting.

There are various liposuction techniques because each patient has a unique constitution and goals they wish to achieve. Dr. Salzman is familiar with the nuances of each form of liposuction and relies on years of experience when recommending treatments for our patients. To schedule a consultation in our Louisville office, call 502-425-5200.

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