How Long Does it Take to Get Rid of a Double Chin With Kybella?

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Double chin fat is a big problem for a lot of people. There isn’t really anything that we can do to try to get rid of excess fat cells beneath the chin except to manage our weight. And even then, we may not see much of a difference. Historically, the problem that doctors call submental fullness has been corrected with liposuction. Today we have alternative options, including Kybella.

What Is Kybella?

Kybella was the first injectable drug to gain FDA approval for the treatment of moderate to severe submental fullness. The drug is a synthetic form of deoxycholic acid, a molecule that naturally exists in the body to dismantle dietary fat. To treat a double chin, Kybella is injected across the upper neck. The injected molecules break down fat cells over time, disabling them from storing fat. This means the fat is gone forever.

Treatment is ideal for people who are interested in sculpting their jawline without surgery. The best results are achieved in patients whose skin has enough elasticity to bounce back after fat diminishes. Loose skin may look more prominent without fat to fill it out. We perform an evaluation of the skin to ensure this doesn’t happen.

Results from Kybella

After Kybella injections, patients will initially notice an increase in the volume of tissue under the chin. This is because a fair amount of fluid is injected to adequately break down fat cells. In addition to the swelling from fluid, tissue may swell due to a mild inflammatory response. Skin may also look red or bruised and may feel sore or tender to the touch. These side effects decrease over a few days’ time.

The results from Kybella treatment may begin to appear about two weeks after treatment. Depending on how much reduction a person wants to achieve, they may need two to four sessions. We space these four to six weeks apart to allow time for the body to eliminate targeted fat cells. Some say that the side effects after treatment are not as noticeable in subsequent sessions. Fat continues to break down for several weeks after injections, leading to increased contours that may peak after several months.

Are you interested in getting rid of your double chin? Call our Louisville office at 502-425-5200 to schedule your Kybella consultation.

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