How Will You Craft Your Mommy Makeover?

iStock 936332134 300x200 1 Moms. They seem to do it all. In all of the caretaking that mothers tend to do, there is often little time to address the cosmetic concerns that have resulted from pregnancy and breastfeeding. Let’s face it, the body also changes when Mom doesn’t get enough sleep or has little time to prepare the nutritious meals her body is craving. Plus, the body simply changes over time as hormones change and tissue everywhere starts to sag. A healthy lifestyle can do a lot for a mom and for her family. Still, it doesn’t always give her the body she wants. That’s why Mommy Makeovers have remained popular over the years. If you’re considering this treatment, you may have questions. We’ll answer a few common ones here. 

What is Involved in a Mommy Makeover?

One of the biggest questions we get from prospective Mommy Makeover patients is “what is involved in this treatment?” The answer is almost as easy as “whatever you’d like!” Some examples of what might craft your Mommy Makeover include:

  • Breast implants
  • Breast lift
  • Laser liposuction
  • Nonsurgical fat reduction with CoolSculpting
  • Arm lift
  • Abdominoplasty
  • Brazilian Butt Lift
  • Cellusmooth® cellulite treatment
  • ThermiTight® radiofrequency skin tightening

One of the advantages of a Mommy Makeover is that it revolves around you. During your consultation, you and Dr. Salzman have a thoughtful discussion about what you wish to achieve. From there, your makeover is customized just for you. 

How Much Does a Mommy Makeover Cost?

It’s understandable that patients have thoughts about the cost of treatment far before they consult with a surgeon. The thing about the Mommy Makeover is that there are so many variables to consider that estimating treatment costs is impossible until our consultation. Once the treatment plan has been developed and we know the details involved, we can provide the cost breakdown that gives peace of mind. 

How Painful is a Mommy Makeover?

Next to costs, patients nearly always have the idea that recovery after a Mommy Makeover is painful. In the vast majority of cases, patients look back and laugh at the difference between what they expected and what they actually experienced. After a Mommy Makeover, patients can expect soreness and tenderness in all operative areas. When abdominoplasty is performed, the tummy feels tight and it doesn’t take 1 to 2 weeks for the tightness to resolve enough for mom to stand upright. This may be where the idea of pain comes in. From our experience, patients do quite well throughout their recovery when they rest as needed, do not overdo it, and take their prescription painkillers as directed. 

Having a Mommy Makeover is a big deal. We can help you make the best choice for your body. Contact our Louisville office at 502-425-5200 to schedule your appointment with Dr. Salzman. 

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