Saline Implants

Saline Breast Implants in Louisville, Lexington, Kentucky


What Are Saline Breast Implants?

Saline breast implants are made with a silicone outer shell and filled with sterile salt water during the procedure. This type of implant is FDA-approved for breast augmentation for women 18 years or older. Although filled with sterile salt water solution, saline implants provide a consistent firmness, shape and feel for any woman wanting to enhance her figure.

What Are the Advantages of Saline Breast Implants?

Since the implant comes unfilled, the amount of volume for each implant can be customized to the patient’s desired outcome during the implant placement. This can be greatly beneficial for women with asymmetrical breasts. Breasts that differ in size can be made more symmetric by adding varying amounts of sterile salt water solution to each implant. Additionally, saline implants can be placed through inconspicuous incisions, including the bellybutton or the underarm.

Other benefits of saline implants include:

  • Generally cost less than silicone breast implants or form-stable implants.
  • In a case of a rupture or leak, the sterile salt water is naturally absorbed and eliminated by the body. There is no worrying or guessing of your implants rupturing.
  • Can be used in women under 22 years-old, unlike silicone or form-stable.

What Are the Disadvantages of Saline Breast Implants?

The primary disadvantage of saline breast implants is that they feel less like natural breast tissue since they are filled with a water-like substance. Other disadvantages may include:

  • May only be round, so no other shapes are readily achieved.
  • Typically, does not last as long as silicone or form-stable breast implants.
  • Generally wrinkles more than silicone implants.

How to Choose Between Breast Implants?

Choosing breast implants is a personal preference. With all types of implants during breast augmentation, there are some risks, such as ruptures, adverse reaction to anesthesia during surgery, infection and bleeding.

See if saline breast implants are right for you. Schedule your critical consultation with Dr. Salzman today to choose the best option for your unique cosmetic goals. For more information about saline breast implants and breast augmentation in Louisville, KY, contact Salzman Cosmetic Surgery and Spa.

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