If it sounds to good to be true…..

Theses days I’m seeing more and more outrageous claims for cosmetic improvements mostly by non traditional aesthetic services providers.  By that I mean practitioners other than board certified plastic surgeons and dermatologists.  Injectable concoctions such as “lipodissolve” that can reduce the patient by several dress sizes and non invasive massage using ultrasound that removes inches of fat over 6 to 8 treatment sessions have both been recently touted in the media.  While our office has had some experience using Lipodissolve, our outcomes have been very modest and we use this method in a very few selected fashions for very small areas.  Focused high energy ultrasound is presently being evaluated in clinical trials here in the US.  Early reports have shown some fat reduction after 2 to 3 treatments.  No one in the Kentuckiana region has either of these experimental machines. We as board certified plastic surgeons, evaluate all new technologies very carefully.  Sometimes, the early claims of improvement can not be repeated by subsequent physicians.  New treatment modalities are tried and compared to the already existing standards and these outcomes are presented at our meetings and reported in peer reviewed journals. Not until the safety and efficacy (they work) are proven can these new breakthroughs be utilized by all physicians.  I have trouble with physicians who are new to the aesthetic arena recommending the newest technologies as being the greatest thing since sliced bread when they have had little or no experience in what this new technique will supposedly replace.  Unfortunately, it is a case of buyer beware.  Ask yourselves why, if this new machine, concoction, technique is sooo much better than the standard method that everyone doesn’t have it or do it.  Sometimes, when it sounds to good to be true maybe getting the opinion of an expert in the field would be prudent.  As it stands today, there is no machine that tightens skin like a facelift, no fat treatment that equals liposuction results and nothing that has been shown to be effective long term in treating cellulite.

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