HD Vaser Liposuction in Louisville, Kentucky

Hi-definition vaser liposuction is a method by which one can thin the overlying fatty tissues to accentuate the underlying muscle contours. The best candidates for this procedure are patients with a mild amount of overlying fat and a healthy, toned, underlying musculature. Commonly, in men, the abdomen and chest wall can be combined into one unit. In women, the abdomen and arms are common areas where one may want to accentuate the look of the underlying musculature.

Who Can Benefit From HD Vaser Liposuction?

Most people have areas on their body that are prone to fat storage. Even if you exercise and eat right, you may still struggle to lose unwanted bulges. The good news is that advanced liposuction techniques and vaser technology can help to safely and effectively remove unwanted fat. The ankles, back, arms, abdomen, breasts, face, chin, and buttocks are some of the areas on the body that can be treated with vaser lipo. Vaser lipo uses ultrasonic energy to break fat deposits apart while saving other important tissues. This procedure also preserves the surrounding blood vessels and nerves. It does not matter whether you are looking for a small or dramatic transformation; you will benefit from getting Vaser lipo.

How Does HD Vaser Liposuction Work?

Ultrasonic energy has been used for many years. Health care providers have used ultrasonic energy to get a view of a growing baby and clean teeth. Now it is being used to remove unwanted fat. Hi-definition vaser liposuction is usually done in our AAAASF, nationally-certified operating room under a general anesthetic.

Dr. Salzman will use tumescent infiltration of a diluted numbing medicine to aid in the effectiveness of the ultrasound device. This technique breaks up the fat into smaller pieces that can then be more easily extracted with a negative pressure suction device. Here at Salzman Cosmetic Surgery and Spa, we have found that mechanical, power-assisted cannulas are far better for this technique and get a very smooth and continuous result. Dr. Salzman understands what the underlying musculature looks like and will draw on the patient where the areas will be left protruding to accentuate the muscle and where the areas need to be thinned.

Sometimes, it is helpful to outline where these transition points are on the body using a high-frequency ultrasound device. There are also times when the underlying muscle can be enlarged by taking some of the fat and processing it in such a way that it can be injected under ultrasound guidance below the lining of muscle and into the muscle itself. The results of this procedure are spectacular, mimicking the look of a toned body.

Before & After Hd Vaser Liposuction

Recovery From Hd Vaser Liposuction

Compared to standard vaser liposuction, we have found that these patients will take a little longer to heal. Hi-definition vaser liposuction is an advanced technique that requires a fair amount of previous experience with standard liposuction. The results of this procedure will be visible within a few weeks. Final results are usually seen within 3-6 months.

One of the many great things about vaser lipo is that if you eat right and exercise, then you will be able to maintain the results of this procedure for a very long time. All things considered, for the right patient, the results are quite satisfying for both Dr. Salzman and patient.

Vaser Lipo Patient Testimonial

"The surgery itself went smoothly, healing went very well despite the normal obstacles. I had no recovery difficulties to hurdle over. Very smooth process and would do it again in a heart beat. First time ever getting cosmetic surgery so it was initially a little nerve wrecking but it couldn't have gone any better! Very satisfied!"

- Anonymous

Schedule a Consultation Today

To learn more about our HD Vaser Lipo procedures or any of our other Body Contouring procedures, call us at 502-425-5200 to schedule a consultation. Salzman Cosmetic Surgery and Spa is proud to serve Louisville, Lexington, and the surrounding areas of Kentucky.

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