Liposuction in Louisville, KY

Liposuction In Louisville, Lexington, Kentucky

What is liposuction?

Liposuction is the plastic surgery procedure that sculpts the body by removing fatty deposits in a specific area. We all know that fat tissue has a tendency to accumulate in certain areas, such as the hips, abdomen, thighs, and buttocks. Liposuction provides a safe, proven solution to stubborn fat. Various techniques are now available but each follows the basic premise of inserting a small cannula through the skin to suction unwanted fat out so the body gains ideal contouring.

Ideal Candidates for Liposuction

Liposuction is an excellent treatment for healthy adults who are near their normal body weight. Good skin elasticity is beneficial for liposuction patients, as this procedure focuses primarily on removing fat, not on tightening loose skin. Patients with significantly loose skin may need alternative or additional body contouring techniques, such as a body lift or abdominoplasty, to achieve optimal results.

What Are The Benefits of Liposuction?

Liposuction is a minimally-invasive procedure through which the contours of various parts of the body can be significantly improved. Downtime after surgery is nominal. Depending on the area treated, patients may be back to work and most normal activities within a few days. Through this streamlined procedure, adults who have struggled to get the slim contours they have wanted can see a dramatic change in their appearance.

What to Expect During a Liposuction Consultation

A liposuction consultation is all about getting to know the patient and their goals. This initial visit also includes discussion about previous medical treatments, drug allergies, and medical conditions. It is important to discuss all medications, vitamins, and supplements that are being taken. A general health evaluation will also be conducted. Finally, the various options for liposuction are discussed. Photographs may also be taken to record body contours before surgery. Additional photographs are taken after liposuction to compare the two.

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Does Liposuction Require Anesthesia?

Liposculpture procedures are done at our own on-site, AAAASF-Certified surgery center. We commonly use a laryngeal mask anesthetic, as well as a tumescent local anesthetic, to numb the area and make the blood vessels smaller to limit bruising. Intravenous medications are also given prior to the mask so that you do not feel or remember anything. We also use a BIS monitor to measure your brainwave activity. With this technique, we can give you just the right amount of anesthesia to keep you asleep and yet wake up quickly with little hangover effect. Smaller areas can be done with the LiteShape™ technique in-office with a local anesthetic and oral sedation. The gentlest liposuction technique available is Vaser Liposuction.

How the Liposuction Procedure is performed

The fat cells and the fat contained in them are removed by a gentle, power-assisted tube. Here, unlike the older method of thrusting the tube back and forth, a machine drives the motion of the tube and the physician simply guides it around the area. This is easier on the patient and leads to less bruising and a faster recovery.

Smaller areas are done with a syringe technique. Here, a very small “microcannula” does the fat removal with the negative pressure supplied by the plunger of the syringe. Also, check out a new method of liposuction, called Ultra Definition Liposuction.

How Long Does Liposuction Take?

Every liposuction procedure is unique in its timing. Depending on the size of the treatment area and the number of areas being treated, patients may expect their procedure to last from one hour up to 4 hours. During the consultation for liposuction, we discuss the objective of treatment.

Combining Liposuction with other Procedures

In some cases, patients combine liposuction with other procedures, such as abdominoplasty. These details contribute to the length of the plastic surgery procedure.

What Should I Expect at my Liposuction Consultation?

Once a treatment plan is developed, we discuss the details of the procedure itself, including duration. It is important to remember, too, that anesthesia has an effect on the nervous system that makes time pass very quickly. Also, anesthesia has an amnesic effect, so patients remember very little of their surgery day.

Neck Liposuction Procedure


What Our Patients Have to Say

"Dr. Salzman is a highly skilled surgeon who takes great pride in his work. He is very intuitive so it's not necessary to go into great detail about your desired outcomes because he likely knows best what fits any given situation. He is a perfectionist and will not stop until everything looks perfect. I have already recommended him to all of my friends and family."

- Anonymous

How Should I Prepare for Liposuction?

Before liposuction, it may be necessary to stop certain medications and supplements. Examples include ibuprofen, aspirin, and vitamin E. The surgical team provides detailed information about medications that should be stopped before surgery. Additionally, smoking must cease at least 4 weeks before surgery. The habit should not be resumed for at least 4 weeks after surgery, as well. The longer that tobacco and nicotine can be avoided, the better.

What to Avoid Before Liposuction

Patients should stop taking medications that can increase bleeding and bruising two weeks prior to surgery, such as aspirin and Advil/Motrin (a list of medications to avoid will be provided at that time surgery is scheduled). Smoking should be avoided for about three weeks before and after surgery, as it can interfere with circulation and healing.

Liposuction vs. Tummy Tuck


Recovery After Liposuction

The areas treated with suction-assisted lipoplasty will be sore and swollen for several days. Most people describe it as “feeling like a hard workout.” A compression garment is worn for the first 2 weeks. Once the initial soreness subsides, you may be more comfortable in spandex or Lycra exercise shorts. Bruising tends to last about 10-14 days. Most of the swelling and thick feeling of the tissues will resolve in 6 weeks.

How Long After Liposuction Will I See My Results?

The skin continues to contract and take up the slack of the removal of the underlying fat for about 5-6 months.

How Long Do Results of Liposuction Last?

The results of liposuction can last indefinitely. The primary strategy for long-term maintenance is weight management. A small degree of weight gain after liposuction is unlikely to affect the cosmetic outcome of surgery because fat cells do not grow back, they only expand. Minor expansion of fat cells causes a minimal change in appearance. When more weight is gained, the risk of cosmetic changes increases. Developing healthy eating and exercise habits soon after liposuction, if not before, is the best way to ensure your new contours last.

Risks of Liposuction

Liposuction is one of the leading plastic surgery procedures performed today. The various techniques that are used have been clinically studied for safety and efficacy and are carefully administered by a board-certified plastic surgeon. The risks of liposuction are minimal and include:

  • Bleeding
  • Infection
  • Fluid or blood accumulation
  • Skin rippling or lumps
  • Asymmetrical results
  • Intended Results

Alternatives to Liposuction

Additional procedures that would enhance the result are Tummy Tuck, Thigh Lift, Breast ReductionExilis, and LipoDissolve. We will sometimes recommend a multi-level approach to body contouring where the deep fat and contour are treated with power-assisted liposuction and the superficial cellulite component treated with LipoDissolve, Liteshape™, or Exilis.

Schedule a Consultation with Dr. Salzman Today

To learn more about our Liposuction procedures or any of our other Body Contouring procedures, call us at 502-425-5200 to schedule a consultation. Salzman Cosmetic Surgery and Spa is proud to serve Louisville, Lexington, and the surrounding areas of Kentucky.

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