Thermitight in Louisville, KY

Thermitight in Louisville, Lexington, Kentucky

Who is a candidate for ThermiTight?

Patients with areas of the body and neck that have a hanging appearance (skin laxity) but prefer a minimally-invasive treatment over conventional surgery.

Intended Result

A tighter, more youthful and appropriate contour, rejuvenating the area treated.

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Procedure Description

ThermiTight is an in-office procedure with minimal downtime for patients. Using a state-of-the-art RF (radiofrequency) device and local anesthesia, a tiny cannula is placed under the skin, treating the area with controlled heat from radio waves. This is the most effective way to tighten skin without doing a surgical lift.

Recuperation and Healing

Patients normally take relaxing medication prior to the procedure, so they are not able to drive themselves to and from their treatment.

Other Options

Other options to treat hanging skin include an Advanced Vaser LipoLiteShape Laser LipoTummy TuckExilis, Buttock Lift, and Arm Lift.

ThermiTight was featured on The Doctors! Watch it here.

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