New Strattice for Breast Implant Revisions

I seem to see a lot of breast implant patients who have had their surgeries done elsewhere who have problems with their breast implants. One of the more common problems is migration of the implant either downward or downward and outward.

Often times simple sewing up of the breast implant capsule is first attempted to remedy the situation. This simple approach often fails due to the thin nature of the capsule tissues. I use to fashion flaps of the capsule and the fascia (thick tissue lining the muscles) to help support the new and more pleasing breast implant position. Lots of times this tissue was very thin and would not support the weight of the implant and breast. Now a new product made of pig skin is being used by our office to help repair these misplaced breast implants.

The pig skin has been specially treated to remove all of the living cells so that the human body sees it as a template of skin and grows its own cells into it. The Strattice can be sewn into the breast capsule as a hammock support or a barrier to separate the breast implants in cases where the implant capsules are touching (breadloafing or uniboob).

Thus far it has been quite successful in our practice. For more information check out the website:

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