New Cellulite Treatment developed by Dr. Salzman

At the American Society of Laser Medicine and Surgery last weekend in Boston, a new treatment for Cellulite was in introduced by Dr. Salzman. The Louisville, Kentucky office has been the lead investigator for this exciting new minimally invasive treatment for the lumpy bumpy condition of the legs and buttocks that affects up to 90% of all women at some time in their lives. This new method actually treats one of the main causes of cellulite which is a tight fibrous band arising from deep in the thigh and attaching directly to the undersurface of the skin. Using a very small laser fiber with local anesthesia, Dr. Salzman can rupture the tight band and also use the same laser to both melt the irregular surface fat and tighten the overlying skin. This leaves the surface of the leg smoother and tighter. The treatment is called CelluSmooth and more information can be seen on the Sciton website.

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