The Ouchless Needle is Seen all over the USA

Recently, Lori Lyle was in our office to witness the pain reducing effects of using the Ouchless Needle that I developed to increase the comfort of cosmetic injectables such as Botox and dermal fillers. The piece was seen on Wave 3 locally the evening before we showed the new device to the public at the American Society of Dermatologic Surgeons meeting held in Phoenix this past October. She told me that this new device was so newsworthy that she would present it to other TV stations across the US. I never gave it another thought until we were actually on our way to Phoenix. I first got an email from my cousin in Toronto, Canada saying congratulations on the developing of the Ouchless Needle. Shortly thereafter, we received phone requests from patients all over the US asking if this technology was available in their hometown or could they come to Louisville for the use of it. Apparently the piece was seen on TV stations all over the US and Canada over a 2 day period. I went to the Internet and googled “ouchless needle” and sure enough there was the video on the websites of television stations in North Dakota, Louisiana, Texas, Florida, California, Tennessee among others. It made the international news and was seen on the MSNBC website. We had a great kick start to the launch of this revolutionary product. It was received with unbelievable fanfare by the dermatologists from around the world in Phoenix. Everyone was excited to finally be able to offer their cosmetic patients a more comfortable and less time consuming facial injectable treatment. We presently are begining to enlist our national and international sales force by the end of this year. You can see the Ouchless Needle and view videos about its use and features at the website More than a few patients have expressed concern that I would soon retire based on the anticipated success of this project. I have no plans to retire any time soon. Aesthetic plastic surgery is still my passion and I have fun everyday trying to make a difference in my patient’s lives.

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