Before you dive into a new procedure, it’s always a good idea to learn a little bit more about the process. This helps with planning expectations to give you the best possible experience.
What Is Breast Implant Revision?
Breast implant revision allows your doctor to fix issues that may have arisen during or since your previous breast augmentation surgery.
Medical procedures don’t always work out as planned. If that happens with a cosmetic breast enhancement, then you’ll likely want some means to correct any issues and still get the aesthetic you wanted in the first place. With breast implant revision at Salzman Cosmetic Surgery and Spa, Dr. Marc Salzman can address any concerns about your previous breast augmentation and help you look and feel the way you intended from the beginning.
What to Expect
Breast revision surgery aims to correct specific problems. Those problems can relate to the location, feel, size, type, or general appearance of your breast implants.
If breasts are too close together, too far apart, shaped incorrectly, the wrong size, sagging, or presenting any other elements that you don’t like, revision surgery just might be able to fix it.
It starts with a consultation to determine what you want to change and discuss what might be involved in creating such changes. From there, the actual surgery is quite similar to the original augmentation procedure.
How Long Is Recovery or Downtime?
Because the techniques of breast revision surgeries are so similar to augmentation surgeries, you can expect much of the same. Your downtime and recovery will usually be similar to your original surgery.
The revision surgery still utilizes general anesthesia—meaning you go completely under while adjustments are made through an incision in the chest.
Schedule a Consultation for Breast Implant Revision in Louisville, KY, and Sarasota, FL
If you think you need a breast implant revision, contact us today at Salzman Cosmetic Surgery and Spa to schedule an appointment. You can reach us in Louisville, KY, at 502-425-5200 or in Sarasota, FL, at 941-348-1243.