If you are ready to put an end to dark circles, loose and saggy skin, and swollen tissue under your eyes, we should talk. We have equipped our Louisville practice with numerous devices and techniques to address the issue of undereye bags and circles, including:
This non-ablative laser treatment targets connective tissue and collagen-producing cells with pulses of broadband light. This energy gets absorbed into deeper layers of the skin, where a healing response is stimulated as the tissue heats up. The result of this healing response is tighter collagen fibers, more elastin in the skin, and smaller fat cells.
The Exilis radiofrequency device has been developed to dismantle fatty deposits beneath the skin and also stimulate collagen remodeling for improved tone and tightness. Both the Exilis and the Exilis Elite devices achieve outstanding results through the targeted use of monopolar radio waves. Having both devices allows us to customize treatment for moderate to severe tissue laxity.
A non-ablative fractional resurfacing laser, the Affirm platform uses two different wavelengths of light for maximum effect. The combination of 1440 and 1320 wavelength pulses targets both the superficial layer of tissue and cells in the dermis with thermal heat. As a result, surface imperfections like fine lines are improved and the skin’s foundation receives a boost of new collagen.
In recent years, dermal fillers have become a popular method of reducing the appearance of undereye bags. Unlike laser and light therapies, dermal fillers disguise bags by smoothing the transition between the upper cheek and lower eyelid. Injections are administered into what is called the tear trough area; this is the crease that sits below the undereye bag. The crease is smoothed when hyaluronic acid particles in the filler bind to water molecules. Results of treatment can last up to 2 years.
Undereye bags don’t have to be a concern anymore. Discover your ideal treatment by consulting with one of our friendly, experienced providers. Call 502-425-5200 to schedule your consultation.