Vanquish™ is Your Liposuction Alternative

If you’ve been looking at your options for fat reduction, then you know that there is a dizzying selection of options. However, there’s no need to undergo a surgical, invasive procedure if you don’t want or are unable to. There are many different non-invasive fat reduction techniques and Vanquish might be the solution for you.

Vanquish Destroys Fat Cells Without the Hassle

While some non-invasive fat removal treatments require a handpiece or technology applied to the skin, Vanquish takes it one step further and requires no contact. It works by applying focused, multipolar radio-frequency transmitters to the fatty areas, which heats the fat cells. This causes them to release their fatty contents, which are gradually absorbed by the body as waste. This means your results only get better over time.

Vanquish Produces Effective Stomach Fat Removal

Vanquish is most effective in the fatty areas around the stomach, where most people carry a little extra fat. The best candidates for Vanquish are those that are at or near their ideal body mass index— more drastic results can require a minimally-invasive procedure like Liposuction or its laser-assisted variants. The best way to determine which procedure is best for you is through a consultation with a board certified plastic surgeon in Louisville.

Vanquish Requires a Quick and Easy Treatment Session

Although the treatment might sound painful or high-tech, Vanquish treatments can be very relaxing and tolerable. Patients usually lay on a table while the RF transmitters go to work on stomach fat, causing a warming sensation which can be adjusted if it becomes too hot. These sessions are usually grouped together in a series of 4 to 6, spaced a week or two apart. You can also speak to your aesthetician about combining Vanquish with non-invasive skin-tightening options.

To learn more about Vanquish and create your treatment plan, contact our office and schedule your consultation, during which you can discuss your options with Vanquish and our other laser treatments.

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